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February 18, 2013

The Carnival of Life

Were you watching the failure of the Triumph, Carnival's cruise to corporate oblivion?  I was, and I thought "welcome to my life".  There is a wonderful metaphor in all those people going nowhere, can't use the bathroom, stuck in uncomfortable rooms, 10 flights below the restaurant.  Not so very different from looking for an accessible public washroom.

This was not just an indvertantly crippled cruise ship, it was a cruise of inadvertent cripples - people who had a first-hand lesson that some barriers are created by accident or ignorance.

The SS Canada is already launched on a similar voyage.  The cruise director, in the person of the Monitor of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities hasn't even been hired yet.  The Captain doesn't care.

Time for the lifeboat drill........

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