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October 11, 2018


The winners of the recent Human Rights decision, Reed, Marston et al, expect the Nova Scotia Government to announce Friday that the province will not appeal that decision.

However, we expect the Government to say only that they will work with stakeholders to develop a specific accessibility standard for restaurants that will not be in place until 2022.

This is a wrongheaded and unacceptable response to the decision, which unequivocally concluded that the province is discriminating in its enforcement of public health regulations. The Food Safety Regulations require that all restaurants have an accessible washroom for patrons. This latest move by the Government demonstrates its indifference to the impact of this discrimination on the health and well-being of people with disabilities. It is a matter of public health and science, not building codes.

The winners will seek legal remedies to enforce the decision of the Human Rights tribunal

Warren Reed
406-1540 Summer St
Halifax, NS B3H 4R9

902 482 4017
919 200 8078 (if traveling)

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