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June 29, 2021

There is no Hierarchy of Oppressions

I ineptly said "Those who are fond of listing their preferred pronouns or acknowledging that we occupy unceded lands of the Mi'kmaq perpetuate the error of focusing on the victim rather than the crime."

What I meant to say is that acknowledging a problem is a lot easier than fixing it.

There is an excellent article in Newsweek that references this remarkable essay:

What is the difference between:
  • Paying people with Down syndrome less than minimum wage and the fact that full-time working women earn 76.8 cents for every dollar men make?
  • "Irish need not apply" and no ramp at the Bluenose?
  • The forcible relocation and internment in the name of national security of 22,000 Japanese Canadians during WW II and the expulsion of the Acadians?
  • Locating a toxic asbestos dump in remotest Annapolis County and Boat Harbour or Grassy Narrows?
  • Emerald Hall and Residential Schools?
When will we ever learn?

"I cannot afford the luxury of fighting one form of oppression only."

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