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September 18, 2023

Jen Powley

Last night I was sad to receive this email from Carrie Ernst:

It is with an incredibly heavy heart, I write this email tonight. Jen Powley peacefully passed away this evening. Surrounded by family, friends and staff.

Jen was taken to the hospital on Thursday evening and subsequently diagnosed with pneumonia. Jen's mom was able to arrive in time to say her goodbyes.

The disability community is a much better place because of Jen. She will forever be remembered as the trailblazer she was

Jen's profile on Linkedin says "Highly self-motivated. Believe that I owe the world to leave it in a better state than when I entered."

Now that's an understatement. With several degrees and wide interests, Jen found time to write books and lead an enviable life of influence and passion.

Smart, independent, irrepressible and a self-advocate without peer, she stood her ground against the forces of injustice, prejudice and convention, bringing much needed change to how people with disabilities are seen and treated.

She ran for city council, she served on boards, always a force to be reckoned with.  She won the James McGregor Stewart Award in 2019.

We have lost too many like her - too early; but they remind us of what people can become when ambition overcomes prejudice.   Brilliant, shining stars.

Exultation is the going 
Of an inland soul to sea, 
Past the houses past the headlands 
Into deep Eternity 

Bred as we, among the mountains, 
Can the sailor understand 
The divine intoxication 
Of the first league out from land?

Emily Dickinson

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